Nov 4, 2009


We had so much fun for McCoy's first Halloween, we had a few costumes for him, so first he was a hotdog and then he was a skunk! I have to say the skunk outfit was my favorite!

Sep 14, 2009

McCoy's Bumbo baby seat!

My stubborn little McCoy loves to try and sit up but can't quit make it yet. So we decided to buy the new "Bumbo" baby seat that helps babies sit up without falling over. However, he does slouch a little he seems to be a little more happier that he can see more objects around him!

Jul 17, 2009

We decided to have some family pictures done 2 weeks after McCoy was born so Here they are!

May 28, 2009

Baby McCoy Stacy Sortor made it into this world loud on clear on May 28th , 2009! He came one month early, but was completely healthy at 6 lbs. 3oz. and 19 inch. long. I will tell you one thing i would love to go through the labor process rather than the pregnancy process i was not one who liked being pregnant at all but the reward is unexplainable! Thinking of that night at 12:30 was when i started to contract, i thought it was false labor and woke up to my husband just coming home from fishing with a 8 lb. fish in hand and asking me to take pictures for him. I told him i was hurting and think they might be contractions, but i should be fine and went ahead and took pictures pausing every so often in minor pain. Then as the night progressed my contractions we not getting any better, but progressing every 2 minutes and lasting 45 seconds. So at 3:00 a.m. Travis finally convinced me to go to the hospital and at least get checked out. So I got dressed just knowing I would be coming home shortly not packing the rest of my hospital bag (i wasn't even going to take it but Trav insisted) and headed to the hospital. When we arrived we waited and i was only dilated to a 1 but effaced 80% so they said we watch you for an hour and see what happens. I was in lots of pain by this time and it was 2 hours later they checked me and noticed I was progressing and not due for another month. So my doctor comes in after a few hours of waiting and hooked up to the machines and he checks me and says my blood pressure is way to high that they are going to keep me. Then I asked him if that's good or bad and he said he was not worried about the baby. Travis then asked him if the baby was coming today and he said yes he sure is, My heart dropped to the ground as I still had two days of work left and my baby shower to go in a few days. So needless to say he came that afternoon at 3:53 p.m. on Thursday the 28th of May. Everything went well and we were released on Saturday one hour before I had my baby shower and yes I went (a little drugged and overwhelmed) but I was there.

Feb 1, 2009

We had our ultrasound the 28th and that was so much fun watching our little one wiggle around! We did find out that It's a Boy! A little Travis on his way! We are very excited!

Jun 30, 2008

*Our Wedding Day*

We had so much fun on our wedding day I could have not asked for more. I have such wonderful family that did so much to make this day the happiest day of our lives! I hope that everyone knows how much we appreciated the help to make it happen and we look forward to the future!

Jun 25, 2007

Our Engagement

Our engagement happened on our five year started out as a normal day and soon we decided to go fishing to Travis's favorite camping and fishing spot "pipeline campground". As it grew closer to night time after having a few fish we went back to the island that had our tackle and Trav told me to close my eyes because he had a present for me! so I did and he pulled out a paper and read the poem in which he created. The poem in which lead him to get on his knee and purpose!!! It was so awesome It couldn't have been any better!

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